Health and Wellness
Watch this video to discover how you could benefit from a CDSME workshop.
Workshop Registration
There is no cost to attend workshops, however, registration is required. Class format is small group discussion; spaces are limited to 12 participants per workshop. Contact us about available workshop dates and times
Chronic Disease
Self Management Education
This suite of six-week workshops help adults better manage their chronic conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, and diabetes. It focuses on solutions to problems caused by living with ongoing health conditions such as pain, fatigue, and difficult emotions.
Chronic Pain Self-Management Program(CPSMP) includes activities such as pacing and planning, better breathing, evaluating treatments, understanding pain, and physical activity.
Diabetes Self-Management Program(DSMP) includes diabetes specific information such as meal planning, foot care, delaying complications, dealing with stress and planning for sick days.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) focuses on solutions to problems, caused by living with ongoing health conditions such as pain, fatigue, sleep, managing medications and difficult emotions.
Matter of Balance
A Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults who are less active. It includes 8 two-hour weekly sessions for a small group of 8-12 participants led by a trained facilitator. During the class, participants learn to:
View falls as controllable
Set goals for increasing activity
Improve balance, flexibility & strength
Make changes at home to reduce fall risk
This class is suitable for older adults who:
Are concerned about falls
Have fallen or are at risk for falls
Want to increase activity and exercise
Can walk independently (may use cane)
Are you at risk of a fall?
Complete this brief survey to check your risk for falling
Workshop Registration
There is no cost to attend workshops, however, registration is required. Class format is small group discussion; spaces are limited to 14 participants per workshop. Contact us about available workshop dates and times

Bingocize® strategically combines the game of bingo, exercise, and health education. Groups of up to 20 participants play Bingocize® twice per week for 10 weeks, with each 45-60 minute session consisting of exercises (range of motion, balance, muscle strengthening, and endurance exercises) and health education questions. The program is delivered using a traditional bingo game along with printed curriculum. ​

Geri-Fit®,also an evidence-based program, focuses on physical activity and strength training. It is designed for older adults who want to improve their strength, balance, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. Each person is encouraged to work out at his/her own pace. The instructor will provide plenty of one-on-one assistance to assure that you're learning the correct way to work out with weights. There are no aerobics, dancing or choreography to learn and there is no floorwork. Most of the exercises are performed seated in chairs. Classes are held two times-a-week for 45-minutes each time.
Walk with Ease: Worksite
The Walk With Ease in the Worksite program is a low-cost, 6-week walking program that can easily be integrated into an employer’s wellness program or provide an excellent starting point for a new wellness program.  Walk With Ease is the only walking program identified as arthritis-appropriate and evidence-based by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Walk With Ease has been proven effective in increasing balance, reducing pain, improving mental health,flexibility and overall physical health.  Employers can use this packaged program to educate, incentivize, motivate and help improve overall quality of life for their employees.
Walk with Ease: Community

This Arthritis Foundation program is proven to reduce the pain of arthritis and improve your overall health
No matter if you need relief from arthritis pain or just want to be active, the Arthritis Foundation’s six week Walk With Ease program can teach you how to safely make physical activity part of your everyday life. The program includes a guidebook and a walking schedule to get you safely moving toward better health.The Walk With Ease program is offered as a self-guided course or in a community setting. Choose the format that best suits you.

Healthy IDEAS
Healthy IDEAS is an evidenced based depression program for older adults with chronic conditions and functional limitations. The program includes screening and assessment of depressive symptoms, education about depression and self-care for individuals and family caregivers, including referrals to the appropriate health professionals.
FallsTalk is an individual program for those who have experienced a fall or regular loss of balance, regardless of walking ability, medical condition, mobility, or fitness level. The intervention consists of initial and follow-up interviews with a trained facilitator, daily personal reflection (2-3 min.), three brief weekly and then monthly check-in calls.

​Dealing with Dementia
Dealing with Dementia (DWD) is a four-hour workshop, paired with a comprehensive reference book, the Dealing with Dementia Guide. CVACL is continuing to work with Rosalynn Carter Institute on Caregiving (RCI) to provide support for caregivers, both personal and professional, of individuals who are living with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and/or memory loss. The evidence-informed program teaches participants how to use the Dealing with Dementia Guide provided by RCI (considered the best reference material available in the field), how to access resources, and how to manage the different challenges with caregiving. Those challenges can include financial, medical, behavioral, and, very importantly, self-care issues.