Celebrating 50 years of
Supporting Your Choice to
Live Independently
Our Mission:
Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living supports older adults and adults with disabilities to live with dignity in accordance with their own personal choice.
Our Vision:
All individuals regardless of age or disability maintain independence, dignity, equal rights
and a meaningful life based on their individual choice.
What's New at CVACL?
Navigating Dementia: Empowerment & Connection
If you have been diagnosed with a dementia-related condition, it is important to know: you can live well with dementia.
This new workshop & peer group is brought to you by CVACL, with funding from Genworth Foundation, for those in the early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementias and their care partners. We’ll meet online weekly for six weeks to work through the Dementia Self-Management Guidebook, a publication of the Dementia Engagement, Education, and Research (DEER) Program in the School of Public Health at the University of Nevada, Reno. Then we'll continue the conversation with online peer group meetings, offered twice per week.
Interested? Contact Maggie at mmccanna@cvcl.org or (434) 385-9070 x106.
Transportation programs enable individuals without access to transportation the ability to travel for medical care and treatments.
New Freedom
Bedford Ride
Contact Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living, Inc.
501 12th St, Lynchburg, VA 24504, USA
phone (434) 385-9070
FAX 434-385-9209